Tag Archives: ectomorphs

How Can an Ectomorph Get Bigger Legs?

| by Truth Seeker |

The key to more muscular legs as an ectomorph, or any other body type for that matter, is the performance of basic, compound exercises that hit the primary movers of the thighs (quadriceps and hamstrings) directly and without detrimental limitations and “distractions” coming from the stabilizing muscles. The logical choices are high-bar back squats, leg […]

How to Get a Bigger Chest for Ectomorphs [red pills]

| by Truth Seeker |

Many ectomorphs have fallen victim to the persistent brainwashing of the mainstream fitness media which continuously push the idea that skinny guys should train differently than everybody else. A medium degree of brain activation would reveal that this notion is based on manipulations designed to extract coins from men desperately trying to upgrade their bodies. […]

Can Ectomorphs Get Fat?

| by Truth Seeker |

The mainstream blue pill doctrine states as follows: Ectomorphs have the metabolism of ruby-throated hummingbirds and have to consume 150, 000 calories every day to sustain themselves and build muscle. Those who don’t satisfy this rule are destined to remain tiny and don’t have the right to complain that the demon of atrophy persistently refuses […]

Can Ectomorphs Build Big Arms?

| by Truth Seeker |

The mad ecto is back again with yet another post filled with brutal honesty. Today, I’ll focus on arm size – one of the many topics that the muscle scholars have corrupted to maximally monetize hypertrophy. Can ectomorphs build big arms? Technically, yes. Ectomorphs with long muscle bellies have the potential to sculpt a respectable […]

Can Ectomorphs Get Buff, Ripped and Strong? [brutal honesty inside]

| by Truth Seeker |

Ever since I joined the dirty muscle game, I’ve been hearing a multitude of nonsensical claims in reference to ectomorphs fighting gravity. Luckily, I’m about to destroy the majestic stupidity spread by the mainstream megaphones. Unlike them, I won’t waste your time with politically correct low IQ concepts based on malignant and unnaturally positive philosophies. […]

Gaining Muscle Mass as an Ectomorph?

| by Truth Seeker |

Ectomorphs are classified as skinny guys who can’t build muscle no matter what. They lift weights just as hard as anybody else and yet nothing happens. Welcome to the club! Why is it so hard for ectomorphs to gain muscle? 1.Gaining muscle is hard for everybody Gaining real contractile muscle tissue is hard for all […]