Tag Archives: chest training

How to Get a Bigger Chest for Ectomorphs [red pills]

| by Truth Seeker |

Many ectomorphs have fallen victim to the persistent brainwashing of the mainstream fitness media which continuously push the idea that skinny guys should train differently than everybody else. A medium degree of brain activation would reveal that this notion is based on manipulations designed to extract coins from men desperately trying to upgrade their bodies. […]

Can You Develop a Bigger and Stronger Chest Without The Bench Press?

| by Truth Seeker |

Today, I decided to check my favorite site for fitness panties – S-Nation. In the new featured article, the author wrote that you cannot beat the bench press when it comes to building larger and stronger boobies. That’s not true. What many people fail to realize is that the bench press is nothing but an […]

The Best Exercises For Chest – NattyOrNot.com Edition

| by Truth Seeker |

Below is a list of exercises which I consider optimal for developing strong chest muscles. 1. PUSH-UPS Push-ups are a solid chest builder.  When your reps get too high (over 20), add extra resistance. One of the ways to accomplish that is to ask somebody to put plates on your back. Another option would be […]