Tag Archives: PED

Do steroids really kill? Hell, yeah!

| by Truth Seeker |

When the average person hears the word steroids, the first association besides Arnold Schwarzenegger and Barry Bonds is death. For some reason, the media have convinced people that steroids are actually super deadly and can kill you in a heartbeat. Steroids can indeed cause death. They can severely damage your heart, liver, kidneys and other […]

How effective are steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

Many naive souls question the power of steroids. People want to believe that anything is possible naturally, but it’s not. Training and nutrition can only do so much. Here’s a study that has examined the power of steroids in great detail. *** The Effects of Supraphysiologic Doses of Testosterone on Muscle Size and Strength in […]

Differences Between ‘Natural’ And ‘Roided’ Bodybuilders

| by Truth Seeker |

1.Natural bodybuilders look smaller. Even a child can tell the difference between Ronnie Coleman and a natural bodybuilder. Big Ron carries five trucks more muscle. But weight alone is not always indicative. One of the trademarks of fake natural bodybuilders roiding their brains out is that on paper they are quite light, but in reality, they look […]

Is Jeff Rodriguez A Natural Bodybuilder or NOT?

| by Truth Seeker |

Jeff Rodriguez is a very popular “natural bodybuilder” who displays an amazing physique. He is big, aesthetic, detailed and super shredded. Question is, can you achieve that look naturally? Could you become the next Jeff Rodriguez without taking a bunch of pills and injecting your glutes with synthetic hormones every day? Let’s see. 1.Jeff Rodriguez […]

Is Martin Berkhan Natural?

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Martin Berkhan is a fitness model, personal trainer and an Internet celebrity in the online fitness space. He has become particularly famous for his lean physique and cutting method – intermittent fasting. Many follow Martin Berkhan’s advice in the hope to acquire the same level of muscular development and leanness. However, can this happen naturally? […]

Is Jaco De Bruyn On Steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

Jaco De Bruyn is a fitness model who has a phenomenal physique. He is aesthetic, shredded, dry and full. Many look up to him and aspire to achieve a similar muscular development one day. Nowadays, fitness models like Jaco are gaining more and more popularity thanks to social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. People […]

Is Michael Lockett a Natural Bodybuilder?

| by Truth Seeker |

Michael Lockett is a “natural bodybuilder” who got really popular for his super thick and lean physique. However, isn’t this a little too good to be true? Can you have a body like that without drugs? Is Lockett natural or is he on steroids? Let’s see. 1.Michael Lockett looks ridiculously thick and dry. Michael Lockett […]

Is Ulisses Jr a Natural Fitness Model? Can you be that big without steroids?

| by Truth Seeker |

Ulisses Jr is big, shredded and aesthetic. Lifters look up to him as the epitome of physical perfection. He’s been featured in many bodybuilding and fitness magazines during his career. However, is he really a natural bodybuilder or are his muscles built with the help of steroids and growth hormone? Let’s see. 1.Ulisses Jr is […]

Is Barthel Fitness Natural?

| by Truth Seeker |

J.R. Barthel is the owner of a YouTube Fitness channel operating under the name Barthel Fitness. He has a very well developed physique and thousands of followers. Question is, can you build a body like that naturally? Let’s see. 1.J.R. Barthel is a big guy. According to the bodyspace page of J.R. Barthel, he is 6’1″ […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger Was On Steroids Sorry dreamers.

| by Truth Seeker |

Many comparisons on NattyOrNot.com are based on the physical development of bodybuilders from the Golden Era (e.g., as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mike Mentzer, Frank Zane, Serge Nubret and more). In this article, we will present information that explains Arnold Schwarzenegger’s use of anabolic steroids. This will make the parallels even more convincing. 1. During Arnold Schwarzenegger’s era […]

Big Ramy – Good Training Or a Steroid Freak?

| by Truth Seeker |

Mamdouh Elssbiay better known as Big Ramy is the current bodybuilding sensation. He weighs well over 300lbs-136 kg, which makes him one of the biggest IFBB pros out there. Last year, he finished 8th at the Mr. Olympia even though he looked much better than Jay Cutler who took 6th place. The placing of Jay Cutler was […]

Is Mike Rashid a Natural Bodybuilder?

| by Truth Seeker |

Mike Rashid is one of CT Fletcher’s hardcore training buddies. He also claims to be a lifetime drug-free natural bodybuilder. But Is this really the case? Can you acquire Mike Rashid’s physical development without taking anabolic steroids? To find out, we will have to analyze the body stats of Mr. Rashid. 1.Mike Rashid looks like […]