How To Make Lifting Fun Again Even As a Depressed Natural

| by Truth Seeker |

Truth is a dangerous thing. It can build but it can also kill. Once you have opened the gate to the reality of natty lifting, you can’t close it. You can’t just go to the gym and do low-bar squats while thinking that you will look like Rippetoe‘s crush Doug Young one day. You can’t […]

Why All Self-improvers Are Liars (Explaining The “Loser’s Market)

| by Truth Seeker |

There are fundamental and incredibly obvious flaws with the theory behind self-improvement. In the big scheme of things, self-improvement is nothing but a treadmill for keeping people engaged. Here’s how the self-improvement money printer REALLY works: Step 1: Find your target audience. The target audience are people who aren’t happy and want more. Or in […]

Behavioral Cycles – Applying Training Ideas To Life (195IQ Plan)

| by Truth Seeker |

Regular readers are probably familiar with the concept of training cycles as I’ve written about it in articles and books. But for those who don’t know, I’ll summarize. A training cycle works like this: You start light and gradually build to a heavy weight over time. When things get tough, you drop the weight. You […]

Why I Behave Like Water On My Dates [wisdom from the underground]

| by Truth Seeker |

I wish I knew this before… One of my biggest rookie mistakes in the painful labyrinth known as dating is believing the idea that one must actively try to change the circumstances… It took me a while to realize that this is nonsense for the most part, and I adjusted my strategy to something a […]