Destroying The Fake Law Of Attraction Mercilessly scammers will scam; dreamers will dream
I am about to do two things. First, I am going to expose the Fake Law of Attraction (FLoA) that’s been sold to the naive public by a great number of conscious and unconscious charlatans. Then, I am going to present the REAL Law of Attraction (RLoA) (don’t expect magic). According to the FLoA, you […]
“Chad” Is Not Your Enemy This is a barbaric post and can induce strong emotions. Be careful.
How To Make Lifting Fun Again Even As a Depressed Natural
How To Use Social Media Instead of Letting It Use You | paid PDF (don’t be a pawn in someone else’s game)
In this article, I present a simple program to reduce social media usage and protect yourself from it. Excerpt: Most people are in an abusive relationship with social media and the intensity is only getting stronger despite what we used to predict in the past. The brutal truth is that social media usage has never […]
Looking For Natty Physiques Among BBoys (Breakdancing and natural muscle construction analysis)
Around 2007/8/9, I was interested in breakdancing/bboying. I never practiced seriously, but I did put some effort into it. But it wasn’t exactly for me. I got lots and lots of elbow pain. I don’t know the scene today, but at the time, Koreans were the ultimate kings believe it or not. I was following […]
Why All Self-improvers Are Liars (Explaining The “Loser’s Market)
There are fundamental and incredibly obvious flaws with the theory behind self-improvement. In the big scheme of things, self-improvement is nothing but a treadmill for keeping people engaged. Here’s how the self-improvement money printer REALLY works: Step 1: Find your target audience. The target audience are people who aren’t happy and want more. Or in […]
Why I Don’t Talk To Women Who Have No Astronomical Interest In Me Anymore
The Difference Between Intent and Wishes (or what it takes to get closer to your goals)
The last post had a part called – The Difference Between Intent and Wishes. That little section got a little more attention than I originally expected. And I decided to expand it a bit for further clarification. Here’s the reality of the situation, fellas. More often than not people who allegedly “intend” to do something, […]
Behavioral Cycles – Applying Training Ideas To Life (195IQ Plan)
Regular readers are probably familiar with the concept of training cycles as I’ve written about it in articles and books. But for those who don’t know, I’ll summarize. A training cycle works like this: You start light and gradually build to a heavy weight over time. When things get tough, you drop the weight. You […]
Building/Maintain Leg Mass At Home – NoN Approved Workout (simple, powerful, logical…painful)
By popular demand, I decided to engineer a super simple leg workout that can be done at home. Many natties reading this site have decided that they want to focus primarily on upper body muscles as suggested in many articles on here and maximization. Why? Because those are the “visual impact” muscles of a man. […]