


Please, read very carefully the terms of use before using this web-page!



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Note: The images on the website are not our property. NattyOrNot always links back to the source which may or may not be the original. If the copyrights of a photo or other graphic material uploaded and used on the website are violated and disrespected, we will remove the photo as fast as possible upon receiving a signal at contact@nattyornot.com.

No Guarantee: The information presented in the blog has been collected after vigorous research and personal experience, but still there is a possibility that some of the sources are not as reliable as they claim to be. That’s why the web-page {nattyrornot.com} makes no guarantee regarding the validity of the content.

Note: The website (nattyornot.com) does NOT support the use of illegal drugs. The presented information is solely for informational purposes.

Changes to the Terms: The team of NattyOrNot.com reserves the right to change these Terms at any time. You will only be notified through posts, not in person. It is your responsibility to make sure that you agree with the new terms whenever changes have been announced. Changes to the terms will be effective 48 hours after the notice has been posted.

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Disclaimer. Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises and/or training routines, stop and consult your healthcare provider. NattyOrNot.com is NOT responsible for any injuries that can occur during your training. Reliance on any information provided by the website is solely at your own risk.

Please, remember that the web-page means to DO NO HARM to you or anyone – we just want to present the truth because people deserve to know. If you feel that your rights have been infringed, we will do whatever possible to address your concerns.

For more information contact us at contact@nattyornot.com.