Category Archives: training

Squats Made My Legs So Huge That I Can’t Find Jeans Anymore

| by Truth Seeker |

Dedicated to those who ”can’t find pants” that fit after squatting for 3 months. You’ve read about it on the Internet. You’ve read about it in the sacred muscle books. You’ve heard others talk about it. You were told there are alive witnesses. You wanted to be one of them and signed the contract. You […]

How Strong Can Steroids Make You?

| by Truth Seeker |

Some lifters downplay the role of muscle drugs so much that ignorant people start wondering if a baby Aspirin is not as effective as steroids. Many delusional permabulkers believe that they can break the powerlifting records naturally as long as they eat ”enough calories to recover and grow”. Simply put, those barbell nerds are trying to […]

How To Do Pull-ups and Chin-ups With Proper Form

| by Truth Seeker |

This is the most detailed pull-up tutorial that I can produce at the moment. It covers all technical elements that I consider crucial for the correct execution of this popular movement. I have also included a few programming tips for beginners and intermediate pull-up apprentices. My goal was to write a tutorial that jumps out […]

How To Barbell Row With Proper Form For Maximum Lat Activation

| by Truth Seeker |

The barbell row is not the most complicated exercise but deserves special attention because many individuals who have not developed the required back awareness look like a camel rubbing its groin area into a stainless steel bar when doing the movement. Loading the barbell You don’t want to be doing barbell rows with small plates […]

The Day I Realized That Big Muscles Protect You From Bullying

| by Truth Seeker |

That summer I was doing my best to improve my skateboarding skills. One of the training spots in the town was an old bridge – a weird place with a mysterious flavor that makes you experience all kinds of deja vus. It was the middle of a hot day, and I was alone except for the […]

How To Get Big Arms FASTER! Give me a break.

| by Truth Seeker |

The ”how-to-get-big-arms-fast” theme is the muscle equivalent of the modern ”how-to-get-rich-quick” mentality frequently seen in our world infected by the false belief that the mainstream media can provide a solution to all problems. Honestly, I am very tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. Just a few days ago S-Nation productions came up with […]

Do You Need a Belt To Deadlift Safely?

| by Truth Seeker |

Back in the day, many noobs started using weightlifting belts during squats and deadlifts under the influence of Mark Rippetoe and his puppies that later on branched out and developed the 70sbig fetish. According to those individuals, the weightlifting belt gives you ”an anchor to push against with your abs”. Those men believe that this technique […]

Are Steroids Fast Killers Or a Fountain Of Youth?

| by Truth Seeker |

The grandfather of Harry TheBicepsFlexKilla died in early December. While the two were not exceptionally close, the tragic event made Harry think of the mysterious thing that we call life. Harry’s grandfather lived as a decent man but was also a classic victim of the system. He had to work his entire life to pay […]

How To Program and Improve Your Weighted Pull-ups

| by Truth Seeker |

Below you will find a basic plan that will build your weighted pull-ups to something respectable like 50% BW (pull-ups with added weight equivalent to ½ of your bodyweight). Step 1: Get your bodyweight pull-ups to 12-15 reps The first step of the plan is to get your bodyweight pull-ups to 12-15 reps in a […]