Category Archives: training

10 Hard Truths About Bodybuilding

| by Truth Seeker |

1.You can’t be big and shredded as a natural bodybuilder. As a natural bodybuilder, you are limited. You cannot have the mass and conditioning of guys like Kali Muscle by just “eating and training right”. It’s not going to happen no matter what kind of routine you follow. It’s all a scam. 2.Supplements are a […]

Getting Bigger Arms On Starting Strength?

| by Truth Seeker |

Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe is still one of the most popular routines for beginners. Legend has it that skinny men can experience steroid-like growth when the routine is coupled with the nutritional ”plan” GOMAD. Unfortunately, the after results do not look promising at all. Most people just get to about 25% body fat, add […]

Six Pack Abs – How Long Does It Take To See ‘Em Bad Boys

| by Truth Seeker |

If you go to any bodybuilding forum, you will see that a large portion of the topics is dedicated to the quest for ripped six-pack abs. This is hardly a surprise. We have been living in the era of the six-pack abs for a long time, my friend. The image of defined abdominal muscle is […]

Beginner Bodybuilders Do 15 Crucial Mistakes

| by Truth Seeker |

1.Taking supplements The bodybuilding industry uses the bodies of steroid users to sell you all kinds of magic powders that ultimately do nothing. Don’t waste your time and money on supplements. It’s all an illusion. Truth be told, most professional bodybuilders don’t even take the products they advertise. 2.Eating too much Beginner bodybuilders are usually […]

Big Arms Naturally?

| by Truth Seeker |

Out of excitement, many beginners can’t sleep the night before their “arm day”. Insecure teenagers watch video after video of CT Fletcher on their iPhones and get goose bumps from what’s about to follow the next day. Similar behavior is the norm – not the exception. The upper arms have become the main symbol of […]

Christian Thibaudeau – Steroid User?

| by Truth Seeker |

Christian Thibaudeau works for the “muscle worship” website He claims that he has assembled his physique without the use of anabolic steroids. Consequently, many unaware teenagers believe that they can build a body similar to the one of Christian Thibaudeau without drugs. They go to and buy all the supplements pushed in their […]

Adam Raw – Natty Or Not?

| by Truth Seeker |

Adam Raw is a bar athlete from the Czech Republic who has a sick Photoshop physique. Since he is training solely with bodyweight exercises, many people wonder whether they can acquire a similar physique without taking steroids. Let’s analyze the physique of Adam Raw to see if that’s a possibility. Height: 6’1 (185 cm) Weight: […]

Arm Day? You are wasting your time, stupid!

| by Truth Seeker |

Everyone wants big arms. The vast majority of the lifting population is secretly measuring its arms every few days. It’s an obsession. An addiction. Madness. People simply want to have that big, ”what the fuck, dude?” arm. The common path to arm ascension chosen by most humanoids is to mimic the pros by adding a […]

Building Big Legs With Deadlifts

| by Truth Seeker |

The deadlift is a classic compound exercise that allows you to lift a significant amount of weight. It builds your lats, spinal erectors, hamstring, glutes, forearms, traps and other muscles. Unlike the squat, the deadlift comes with a shorter range of motion (ROM) and places a higher emphasis on the hamstrings than the quads. With […]

Body Fat Levels – Underestimated By Natural Bodybuilders

| by Truth Seeker |

Recreational natural bodybuilders underestimate their body fat percentage all the time. Achieving a contest ready conditioning is not nearly as easy as it seems to many. Most bodybuilders are often surprised by the amount of weight they have to shred to get ready for a contest. It’s not uncommon to lose over 2 inches off […]

Can You Get 20 Inch Arms Naturally?

| by Truth Seeker |

You can’t get 20-inch arms naturally unless you plan on joining a sumo team in the near future. During the Golden Era of Bodybuilding, legit 20-inch arms in a lean state were a rarity of the first order. There is evidence suggesting that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s arms were smaller than the official 22 inches. Arthur Jones, […]