Category Archives: bulking

Six Pack Abs – How Long Does It Take To See ‘Em Bad Boys

| by Truth Seeker |

If you go to any bodybuilding forum, you will see that a large portion of the topics is dedicated to the quest for ripped six-pack abs. This is hardly a surprise. We have been living in the era of the six-pack abs for a long time, my friend. The image of defined abdominal muscle is […]

Beginner Bodybuilders Do 15 Crucial Mistakes

| by Truth Seeker |

1.Taking supplements The bodybuilding industry uses the bodies of steroid users to sell you all kinds of magic powders that ultimately do nothing. Don’t waste your time and money on supplements. It’s all an illusion. Truth be told, most professional bodybuilders don’t even take the products they advertise. 2.Eating too much Beginner bodybuilders are usually […]

Body Fat Levels – Underestimated By Natural Bodybuilders

| by Truth Seeker |

Recreational natural bodybuilders underestimate their body fat percentage all the time. Achieving a contest ready conditioning is not nearly as easy as it seems to many. Most bodybuilders are often surprised by the amount of weight they have to shred to get ready for a contest. It’s not uncommon to lose over 2 inches off […]

Dave Tate’s Weight Gaining Plan Sucks

| by Truth Seeker |

In an interview, Dave Tate revealed one of his “secrets” for gaining weight. The story goes like this: There was a time at the Old Westside gym where I couldn’t gain weight to save my fucking life. There was this dude who trained there who could just put on weight like fucking magic. He’d go […]

How To Bulk as an Ectomorph?

| by Truth Seeker |

There are two main types of ectomorphs – skinny and skinny-fat. The skinny ectomorph is an individual who weighs little and has a low body fat percentage. Most skinny ectomorphs have visible abs. The skinny-fat ectomorph weighs little too but has a higher body fat percentage. Small to medium size guts are common for skinny […]

Bodybuilding Slang and Terms Explained

| by Truth Seeker |

Like every unique niche, bodybuilding comes with its own slang. Some of the most used phrases and words are explained in the article below. Muscle Pump – a natural process during which the muscle is engorged with blood and waste byproducts Natty – “natty” is short for “natural”. In the world of bodybuilding, the term […]

The Myths Behind Super Squats by Randall J. Strossen

| by Truth Seeker |

Many authors of strength literature present the barbell back squat as the most effective exercise for a natural bodybuilder. Consequently, the majority of the training programs written for beginners are built around the back squat. This may be the current trend, but the idea that squats produce quick and extraterrestrial hypertrophy within the body of […]

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